It’s the eve of the LA Marathon and I am sitting by myself in Nelson, New Zealand, six thousand eight hundred some odd miles away from the starting line. I really, really miss marathon eve. I crave the adrenaline of the expo, taking the kids to pick up the race number and free […]
I came in last again last night. It’s not that I really care that much but it’s no fun when you are so far back that you’re all alone wondering if the rest of the people are even bothering to stick around and see if you make it back alive. Sure, I beat the […]
Right foot forward: “Tear down the wall.” Actually, it is not really at mile twenty but somewhere in the nether land that sits between twenty and say twenty five or so. You know it when it happens. That point when it starts to hurt. I mean really hurt. Not the dull aches and pains […]
Who I am in 140 characters…
runner, traveler, a writer of sorts; starter, creator, a founder of shorts; husband, father, a brother and son; all jumbled together emerging as one.Things in the not to distant past
Training and Nutrition
Lots of stuff
30 years about me adele apples bungy chaos theory chopping wood comrades cross country crossfit current earthquakes family fatherhood founders yoga french open high sierras hiking kaiteriteri half LA Marathon laundry living living in la marathon mentors mile Newtons NYC Marathon Outside looking in paris partners racing random risk running Salt Lake City the wall thoughts thrusters Travels vacation vince weasels Wellington Marathon workBlogroll (these are our other blogs)
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- Marty on I don’t know, it just
- Lucas on I wish I had some tools…
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- Chris Nappi on My cousin has a music room
- Charlie Carcano on Merci Madame Killelay