do what you love what you do
I am happy to be back at work. After three weeks vacation, the first time ever in almost thirty years of clocking in 9 to 5 (and then some), I decided to live the dream and take a full three weeks. Not two. Three. Live life like those crazy Europeans that we hear so much about. I did it because I had places to go and things to do that filled up 21 days. Flights, continents, countries, cities, sights, family time, reflection, an on and on…
I figure it could have gone either way. I was either going to come back with a plan to take another extended sabbatical (meaning sell everything, pack a duffle and get a one way ticket heading East) or dive headlong back into career with a new sense of wonder and satisfaction. I chose the later. Honestly I am kind of surprised. I thought I was going to go in another direction.
By day 13 or 14 of my 21-day excursion I realized that I love my day to day, the intellectual challenge, the camaraderie, the routine and mostly the sense of purpose. I love that what we do matters to people, that there are tangible outcomes that influence others. I love storytelling in all its forms and the universal truths it reveals.
I read somewhere that happiness can be boiled down to a simple rule: do what you love and love what you do. Or, as I think about it, do what you love what you do. I could not agree more. And as for three-week vacations, believe it or not I think I will pass from now on. Two weeks is enough for me. Enough time to recharge the batteries, to get far enough away to realize that its time to come home…
Who I am in 140 characters…
runner, traveler, a writer of sorts; starter, creator, a founder of shorts; husband, father, a brother and son; all jumbled together emerging as one.Things in the not to distant past
Training and Nutrition
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