It’s dark when the walls cave in. When the world around you narrows and your vision blurs. Sounds fade and the outside voices mesh together into a garbled hodgepodge of highs and lows, tones loud and soft, coming from near and far. It just stops making sense. That what thrusters can do to you.
21-18-15-12-9-6-3. I can handle the burpees. It’ the thrusters that expose my weakness. They have driven me to the edge twice now. The first during 16.5 when it got so bad so fast that I tapped out and DNF’d. The second was during a seemingly innocent 6:30p CFLA class where we faced 21-15-9 for time. I held on and managed to stop the madness before it stopped me. Disaster narrowly averted.
Why do we like them so? Whenever they show up on the whiteboard people show up in droves. Is it that they take you where want to go? Or don’t want to go? Can’t tell. All I know is that I fear them, respect them and in a strange way honor them every time they come around. It’s been a while and I am sure they are coming back soon, I can feel it, like rain just before the heavens open and the clouds burst. Stormy weather for sure, dark stormy weather…
Who I am in 140 characters…
runner, traveler, a writer of sorts; starter, creator, a founder of shorts; husband, father, a brother and son; all jumbled together emerging as one.Things in the not to distant past
Training and Nutrition
Lots of stuff
30 years about me adele apples bungy chaos theory chopping wood comrades cross country crossfit current earthquakes family fatherhood founders yoga french open high sierras hiking kaiteriteri half LA Marathon laundry living living in la marathon mentors mile Newtons NYC Marathon Outside looking in paris partners racing random risk running Salt Lake City the wall thoughts thrusters Travels vacation vince weasels Wellington Marathon workBlogroll (these are our other blogs)
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