Black Smoke. White Smoke.

Two key questions: are the Santa Ana’s blowing and what color is the smoke? If the answer to the first is yes, move on to the second. Its Fire season again. We go from “gloomy marine layer,” then on to, “hot” for a bit, then to “hotter” for longer, transition through “perfect” for a week and half, then “Fire Season” (seemingly endless), and finally back to “gloomy marine layer.” No more Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall for us. We have our own ebb and flow, living in paradise and all.
Black smoke is serious shit. Big stuff burns, stuff that matters.
White smoke is less so. Smaller stuff that doesn’t necessarily touch the day to day.
This Fire Season is epic. One to tell the kids about. It’s raging all around us, on multiple fronts, simultaneously. We are sitting in the middle of a ring of fire. Our little canyon has not burned in forever and we all know that its overdue. Just a matter of time.
But due for what I wonder? For white smoke? A slow burn? A cleansing of the debris that has built up over the years? A mere clearing out the underbrush leaving things singed around the edges. Or, will it be black smoke? A raging inferno causing total annihilation: complete and utter destruction? Leaving a small pile of ashes in its wake. Is one better, one worse?
Sometimes, I think, black smoke is best: it’s a cleaner break. With white you are left with residue that settles in and you can’t wash away the scent. Life remains, but its sort of half-baked, the scars never really heal.
It will burn. Time will tell. Best to set our intentions.
Que David Byrne, “Watch out you might get what you’re after”
Who I am in 140 characters…
runner, traveler, a writer of sorts; starter, creator, a founder of shorts; husband, father, a brother and son; all jumbled together emerging as one.Things in the not to distant past
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