Learning to fly
Took flight again today at Pranayama Breathe Class on a Sunday afternoon. I visited awhile with the dusty old man and my elephant friend. I often spend time with them before rising up and taking flight on my own. My guide Anna Lisa says that I levitate in these sessions. I’m in way too deep to know if it’s true but I do believe her. Time, space and my sense of being sort of go out the window. Mostly I just am.
Today I realize that my exhales are much more powerful and explosive than my inhales. I spend more time exhaling. Not sure why, but I think I am clearing out baggage. Lot’s of underbrush builds up over the years.
Anyway, we start by sitting on a tree trunk and connecting down to earth’s center while a warm golden light hovers above. Then, within the first few minutes, that golden light somehow captures all of ourselves out and about in the world and brings everything back to center. Everyone/thing comes back to you: that’s the moment I begin to fly.
If you are reading this then chances are you join me. You may not know it, not sure if you can feel it, but know that I can. You’re part of me: the part of me out there in the world that returns to the golden light within. Always present, sometimes far off, other times near, always within. Just need to stop and focus to bring it all back together.
Anyway, we go flying: soaring high and low, in and out, all around. We glide effortlessly. Together. Balanced. Centered. Equal. Merged. Happy. Complete. Grateful.
Thanks for joining me…
As I said, when I take flight, it just is and I just am. Onward ->
Who I am in 140 characters…
runner, traveler, a writer of sorts; starter, creator, a founder of shorts; husband, father, a brother and son; all jumbled together emerging as one.Things in the not to distant past
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