385 in dog years…
I am getting old. I’m almost 385 in dog years. Humph… The other day I got yet another invite in the mail to join AARP. This time I tossed it in the “I do need to deal with this but not right now” pile. I used to just trash them, but I’ve come to realize that the invites won’t stop, that they will just keep showing up on the doorstep. There’s a certain inevitability to it all.
I don’t usually think much about age except when I want to do something the young guys do and I realize I can’t. Sometimes I learn the hard way, other times the lesson comes with a quiet, gentle certainty that says, “Nope, not today.”
This all came to a head again when we tested our 1RM DL (for people in the real world that means you bend over and then stand up holding on to the most weight you can). When we tested back in January I lifted 245lbs: respectable for a 378 year old, 153lbs. soon to be card carrying AARP member. This time around I was all fired up to get closer to 2x my body weight. Why? I have no idea, but, it seems a worthy goal and I figure it makes for impressive banter in the box (local Crossfit gym). “Deadlift? I don’t know, something around 2x BW” I would say, followed by a quick flex of the bicep and a low grunt or two.
I put in the time. And god knows the effort. After a 12-week cycle I figured another 25-30 pounds was doable, what’s a 10% increase in the grand scheme of things? Turn’s out there’s a reason they call it “marginal” or “incremental” gain. I had to settle for 255lbs, or a gain of 4.08163%, you know, give or take. The young guys gained a lot more.
Ahhh, to be almost 385. I know others in the box mean well saying things like, “great work” or “wow, another 10lbs!” or “that a really solid effort for your age group”. Humph…it’s only 4.08163%, give or take, and not “almost 2x BW” flex, grunt, grunt.
“Nope, not today” age whispers, “not today…”
Who I am in 140 characters…
runner, traveler, a writer of sorts; starter, creator, a founder of shorts; husband, father, a brother and son; all jumbled together emerging as one.Things in the not to distant past
Training and Nutrition
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